342. Singularity part 2

For anyone new to this website, while you can read this article and part one, it is only through reading the material prior to them that you can see and understand both the implications and what lies ahead for you to reach the goal of your journey. Although these articles may seem as separate parts, they are in fact part of a whole. And if you came here to find pieces to collect and reject to strengthen your idea of the truth and not willing to read all, then do not bother at all. If for you this knowledge is only intended to be mentally collected, thinking that you and wisdom become one that way, then it’s better to leave them to collect dust on a book shelf. It’s like knowing the law but not following it. Or knowing it’s a cure to heal but refusing to take it. And it’s certainly not a blue or red pill that as said only needs to be read and voila you are enlightened. It’s why it was covered by outer appearances, unable to be unraveled by even the cleverest of minds, only to be received by the purest of heart so ego could not and cannot use it for its own goal. A vital key is to know thyself, which is very different from the self you are familiar with. Yet it doesn’t need special handshakes, amulets, becoming a vegan, a yoga practitioner or even learning to levitate, nor to be good at math, astronomy or astrophysics, in fact the less you know the better. Be you like children, meaning open and much less conditioned, less opinionated. The truth might be very different from the way you may think. Some might have sparks of this truth, but because they are right with one thing they think they are right with everything. It always brings up this picture of the butterfly whose wings can cause a tornado on the other side of the world. Being wise, having wisdom is very different from collected knowledge, wisdom can’t have something missing. You’re still here after reading this? Then perhaps you are one of those very few that has what it takes, are willing to do what it takes to reach the summit.

We will need to look at a few science tests and theories based on them, because at present they cause people to have the wrong idea about reality and they build their belief on it because they think science proofs it to be so. One of the first ones we will look at is the double-slit experiment. Which led to the “spooky effects in the distance” and the “observer influencing the experiment”. And the thought experiment of Schrödinger’s cat which he saw as the problem of the Copenhagen interpretation.

The Many-Worlds theory of quantum mechanics supposes that for each pos­sible outcome of any given action, the universe splits to accommodate each on­e. This theory takes the observer out of the equation. No longer are we able to influence the outcome of an event simply by observing it, as is stated by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

But the Many-Worlds theory turns a widely accepted theory of quantum mechanics on its ear. And in the unpredictable quantum universe, this is really saying something.

The better part of the last century, the most accepted explanation for why the same quantum particle may behave in different ways was the Copenhagen interpretation. Although it’s getting a run for its money from the Many-Worlds interpretation lately, many quantum physicists still assume the Copenhagen interpretation is correct. The Copenhagen interpretation was first posed by physicist Niels Bohr in 1920. It says that a quantum particle doesn’t exist in one state or another, but in all of its possible states at once. It’s only when we observe its state that a quantum particle is essentially forced to choose one probability, and that’s the state that we observe. Since it may be forced into a different observable state each time, this explains why a quantum particle behaves erratically.

This state of existing in all possible states at once is called an object’s coherent superposition. The total of all possible states in which an object can exist — for example, in a wave or particle form for photons that travel in both directions at once — makes up the object’s wave function. When we observe an object, the superposition collapses and the object is forced into one of the states of its wave function.

Bohr’s Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics was theoretically proven by what has become a famous thought experiment involving a cat and a box. It’s called Schrödinger’s cat, and it was first introduced by the Viennese physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. In his theoretical experiment, ­Schrödinger put his cat in a box, along with a bit of radioactive material and a Geiger counter — a device for detecting radiation. The Geiger counter was designed so that when it sensed the decay of the radioactive material, it triggered a hammer which was poised to break a flask containing hydrocyanic acid, which, when released, would kill the cat. To eliminate any certainty regarding the cat’s fate, the experiment was to take place within an hour, long enough so that some of the radioactive material could possibly decay, but short enough so that it was also possible none would.

In Schrödinger’s experiment, the cat was sealed in the box. During its stay there, the cat came to exist in an unknowable state. Since it could not be observed, it could not be said whether the cat was alive or dead. It existed instead in the state of both life and death. It’s sort of like quantum physics’ answer to the old Zen question: If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Since the Copenhagen interpretation says that, when observed, an object is forced to take one state or another, the quantum suicide experiment doesn’t work according to this theory. Since the direction of the quark measured by the trigger can be observed, eventually the quark will be forced to take the clockwise direction that will fire the gun and kill the man.

But isn’t all of this just silly? Do these thought experiments and quantum interpretations really teach us anything ? Next we’ll take a look at some of the possible implications of these ideas.

When compared to classical science and Newtonian physics, the theories pr­oposed to explain quantum physics seem insane. Erwin Schrödinger himself called his cat experiment “quite ridiculous” [source: Goldstein, Sheldon]. But from what science has been able to observe, the laws that govern the world we see every day don’t hold true on the quantum level.

Quantum physics is a relatively new discipline, dating back only to 1900. The theories that have been posed on the subject are all just theories. What’s more, there are competing theories that give different explanations for the peculiar happenings that take place on the quantum level. Which one will history show is the correct one? Perhaps the theory that proves to be the true explanation for quantum physics hasn’t been posed yet. The person who poses it may not have even been born yet. But given the logic that this field of study has established, is it possible that all theories explaining quantum physics are all equally true at the same time — even the ones that contradict each other?

Niels Bohr’s Copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics is perhaps the most comforting theory put forth. By explaining that particles exist in all states at once — in coherent superposition — our understanding of the universe is put slightly askew, but still remains somewhat comprehensible. Bohr’s theory is additionally comforting because it makes us humans the cause for an object to take a determined shape. Although scientists find a particle’s ability to exist in more than one state frustrating, our observations affect the particle. At least it doesn’t continue to exist in all states while we’re looking at it.

Double slit experiment.

Much less comforting is Everett’s Many-Worlds interpretation. This theory takes out of our hands any power over the quantum universe. Instead, we are merely passengers of the splits that take place with each possible outcome. In essence, under the Many-Worlds theory, our idea of cause and effect goes out the window.

This makes the Many-Worlds interpretation somewhat disturbing. If it’s true, then in some universe parallel to the one we currently inhabit, Adolf Hitler was successful in his campaign to conquer the world. But in the same token, in another universe, the United States never dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The Many-Worlds theory also certainly contradicts the idea of Occam’s razor, that the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. Even stranger is the implication by the Many-Worlds theory that time doesn’t exist in a coherent, linear motion. Instead, it moves in jumps and starts, existing not as a line, but as branches. These branches are as numerous as the number of consequences to all of the actions that have ever been taken.

It’s tough not to imagine what our understanding of the quantum world will prove to be. The theoretical field has already progressed tremendously since its inception more than a century ago. Although he had his own interpretation of the quantum world, Bohr may have accepted the later theory that Hugh Everett introduced concerning the Many Worlds. After all, it was Bohr who said, “Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it”.

Films were made featuring parallel worlds, and many so called spiritual masters and groups jumped on the idea that you can simply think about it and make a change, the new age gurus were quick to come out with things such as ‘the secret’. And others followed suit, to cash in on the idea, and most happily took it because it was the food ego was waiting for.

The worse thing of all was that now these scientists became the new age gurus. Suddenly they were the masters telling you that you are all g-ds, speaking about meditation etc. As if they reached enlightenment. The classical mistake that many make, that they had an experience and then believe it made them masters and/or simply intellectually gathered knowledge they consider the same as experienced insight.

But let’s look what they say about entanglement: particles from the same source are entangled. If so then if the big bang happened then everything is entangled. Sounds very much like one creator as I would have the same conclusion. If the tree and its fruits are fractal and it would be the underlying structure which the ancients called the ether then it would be able to explain it all without these outlandish theories. Now as all is energy and has a vibratory frequency then the 7 divisions and 7 subdivisions both above and below, or in other words range of frequencies (and you should think about the hand outside the car window type of idea here) will explain it. Those divisions are like states of matter. If we talk about the world of matter, the lower the vibration the denser the matter and the higher it is the less dense. And equally for the world of spirit.

This knowledge fully understood would enable one to either alter matter from one to another which would be true alchemy. Or create matter. Tap into the energy, that is what Tesla wanted to do, or use the 8 to create the field between them to overcome gravity. But such powers in the hands of ego would be destructive. Just like the knowledge of DNA, which is already being exploited without the ability to see the consequences. Now I told you of the torus and its pattern and where it enters and exits and the zipper that makes the chain. Look at the image and you will get the idea.

A principle we see in magnetic fields but around and in ourselves too, and in planets, solar systems, galaxies, plants, atoms etc. And this lattice from the smallest to the largest is all interconnected, no spooky thing about it, which brings me down to light. Light isn’t really moving at all, as the whole is like a (wave) pattern and at each crossing it lights up a little like your Xmas lights, whereby the filament is the crossing giving both the illusion of both wave and particle. Although this is a very simplified model. In fact every point in the universe is such a crossing much like the center of a magnet where there is no magnetism but could be seen as the zero point. The circle evolves from there too, or sphere. Just take a magnet and break it up in as many pieces as you can, not only do they all become little magnets with north and south poles but they will cluster together in a spherical shape down to the smallest of parts with at the heart, center of it, that unified point that holds the pattern we can see in the large shape shown as the trees.

Anti-gravity drive? Yes it is not very difficult to create, just think of the two spheres, one positive and one negative, and another in its center that is either copper or aluminum or like it. Or the use of discs. Now what does that all have to do with man and spirituality you might wonder, and how do those laws affect us? The lower our frequency the more we get stuck in matter, as in duality. Emotions are lowering it, the lower it gets the more we suffer and are part of that cycle and are influenced by it. Yes it’s true, G-d is in everything and everything is in G-d but that doesn’t automatically mean equal to G-d. So don’t presume you are! To become is a whole different ballgame and takes a whole lot more than gathering knowledge because as long as you identify and attach, believe you have the power, the insight to make the world as G-d intended, then you are still in the… Matrix.



Moshiya van den Broek