136. The rainbow and the universe part 1 (large and small)

The rainbow represents the promises of God and was a sign of the covenant that God would never again flood the earth with water: “I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth… .. the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh.” Gen 9:13-15

The rainbow signifies the glory, majesty and honor of the Lord Jesus Christ “One sat on the throne. And He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance. And there was a rainbow around the throne, in appearance like an emerald.” (Rev 4:2-3)

The rainbow is caused by the reflection and refraction of the rays of the sun shining on falling rain.

God’s beautiful rainbows are caused by the rays of the sun/Son passing through drops of water/tears and returning back towards the sun/Son and this must happen for us to see the beautiful spectrum of colour in a bow in the sky. In storms with many tears!

ONE sat on the throne, divide the ONE by seven and you will get 0,14285714285…. Never again means: eternity.

As you know by now this sign for eternity is the 8

So divide the 8 by 0,14285714285…. = 56

Creation lasted 6 days, the 7th was a rest day and on day eight it started, the sign for eternity (Greek) is? Divided by 0,14285.. is 56 in other words the 5 and six pointed star and the 7 again. There are two axes the horizontal 1 and the vertical 5-4.

Now imagine the 8 spinning around both axes. Indeed it creates the thorus. Now there is a third movement, that of the globes themselves whereby each point of the stars causes a pattern on the outer surface of the thorus (a pattern of numbers/letters).  And it moves in such way that it enters from 4 to 5 or from 5 to 4.

These are suspected black holes.

The vertical poles of the magnetic field and the horizontal such as the planets around the sun or for instance the debris (belt) or the asteroid belt of Saturn.

When you scale the whole structure down we come to the micro world.

Now the usual thought of planets remaining in orbit according to Einstein’s 1916 general theory of relativity is, scientists present theory of gravitation: space and time are inextricably woven into a four-dimensional fabric called space-time, and gravity is nothing but the warping and twisting of space-time by massive celestial bodies.

As GP-B physicist John Mester puts it: general relativity is their current theory of gravitation, and it has wide ranging implications for our understanding of the structure of the cosmos. At present, Einstein’s theory of gravitation lies outside the other three forces of nature [the strong force, the weak force and the electromagnetic force], which are explained within a unified framework called the Standard Model. Attempts to unify all four forces of nature have eluded physicists from Einstein to the current day. Testing theories to high precision will help define their range of validity or reveal where these theories break down.

During long observation, a team uncovered fluctuations in the X-ray light, called quasi-periodic oscillations, or QPOs. These are thought to be from wobbling blobs of gas whipping around the black hole. The team observed QPOs at frequencies of 300 Hz and 450 Hz, the same as those observed nine years ago. This was by far the longest observation of a black hole during an outburst. Previous observations have determined that GRO J1655-40 is about 6.5 times more massive than the sun.

January this year scientists reported that in 2005 two unusual X-ray frequencies were detected coming from an extremely energetic light source, GRO J1655-40. The source is seen in the constellation Scorpius and it is estimated to lie about 10,000 light-years from Earth. Astronomers say it is a “stellar black hole” about seven times the mass of our Sun, gradually consuming the matter of a companion star.

The emissions seemed strange because scientists had recorded identical emissions nine years earlier, an improbable coincidence, they thought. This got them thinking and the chain of reasoning that followed led to a report given at a recent meeting of the American Astronomical Society.

The centerpiece of the story is a black hole, and black holes are said to form in the death throes of massive stars as their fuel runs out and their cores “implode into a point of infinite density”. The “rebound” that follows produces a supernova explosion that blows away the outer layers of the star. But the gravity of the collapsed star is so great that, within a boundary called the “event horizon”, nothing is able to escape, not even light. And that’s why we can’t see a black hole, astronomers say.

Astronomers also say that the gravitational tug of a black hole is sufficient to distort Einstein’s “spacetime fabric”. And that means it could affect the movement of matter falling into this celestial glutton.

The X-ray emissions from GRO J1655-40 are sporadic. Long periods of relative calm followed by shorter periods of more intense activity with emissions millions of times greater than during the quiescent phase.

As reported on Space.com, some scientists began to wonder if the blinking pattern of X-ray activity is “related to how matter accumulates around the black hole”. The black hole is said to be stealing gas from a companion into an “accretion disk” around the super-dense relic, and the scientists suggested that as the mass of the disk accumulates for several years, the black hole consumes very little of the gas, and X-ray emissions are minimal.

“Every few years, however, something, scientists aren’t sure what, triggers a sudden binge fest on the part of the black hole, causing it to guzzle down most of matter in the disk within a period of only a few months”. This is when the profusion of X-rays occurs, the scientists suggested. (See “Black Hole Puts Dent In Space-time”, January 24, 2006).

But NASA’s Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer recorded something curious. Among the X-ray frequencies observed in 1996 were one at 450 Hz and one at 300 Hz. The same two frequencies were observed again in 2005.

“Because it’s very hard to get gas to behave the same way twice, it argues strongly that these frequencies are being anchored by the black hole’s mass and spin”, study co-author Jon Miller of the University of Michigan told SPACE.com.

Now you will realize that these quasi-periodic oscillations, or QPOs as the scientist call them, are not simply just the cause of mass and spin. Black holes are the re-generators , death and birth, and these forces have a natural path way on their own. We force electricity through cables but it has its own natural way, a structure or pathway you are becoming familiar with, and it would be more correct to say that this causes mass and spin(while it is more complex than this, it is sufficient at this time(except that the other forces are part of the same structure).

We have spoken about the math and the laws bit by bit throughout the articles. We have been talking about the BIBLE, the VEDA’s, KORAN for they contain everything.



Moshiya van den Broek