93. Countdown

The prophetic solar year of 144 x 40 years, 5760 years from creation to January 1, 2000 ( Jewish traditional date).

As will be known the Bible’s main count is based on 360 days, the calendar of 360 is 2,5 x 144.40 is a generation in the Bible. 12 denotes the 12 tribes of Israel. 12 x 12=144.

Jesus will reign over the 12 tribes of Israel from generation to generation and He shall reign, with His people over the whole universe for ever and forever.

5760 years is equal to 360 x 16, a day can represent a year in the Bible.
The cycles of the 360 calendar are 40 x 96 x 3600 x 6400 years, 96 is the joined 60 and 36 degrees of the 5 and 6 pointed stars.
The other important points are the numbers to be squared 16 years is 4 squared, the 4 is also related to the earth (the 4 corners of the earth).

15 times 384 is 5760, now 3840 is 8 times 480 years, and 480 is 12 generations of 40 years.  Now this number 8 as you know is also the number of a new creation, in the next step 64(being 8 squared) 3600 x 6400 is 2304000 which is 480 squared, recall here that 480 times 12 years from creation until 1 Jan, 2000. The basic unit of 480 is important, not just because it makes 12 generations in 480 years, but also because there are 84 leap months accumulated in every span of time. Which is exactly 7 years.

84 months x 30 days is 2520 days, 7 x 360 is 2520 days.
And here you will recognize that 80 squared or 64 which is twice the 32 of one 8 or 576 only occurs approximately every 88 billion years. With this number 88 emphasizing the fact after the 88 there is eternity the last 8 in the row or in other words the tree of life.

This also means the time has come, the last cycle of 8 x 360 is 2880.
This divided by 365,25  is 7 years 8 months 8 days.

So the 88 were finalised around 2000.
Look up Luke 2:4; 18:38.
David began his reign 7 x 430 years before 1.1.2000 (Israel spent 430 years in Egypt), David fled from Saul before David became king, 480 days, (1 Sam.27:6) Saul had reigned 12 x 40 or 480 years.
40 is a generation, and both David, and the son of David(Solomon) reigned 40 years.
Both David and Solomon had a distinct 7 1/2 period of great significance in their 40 year reign, David reigned just over Judah the first 7 1/2 years(2 Sam:2:11), Solomon spent his to build the temple, the triumph of his career. It was built after Exodus(1 Kgs. 6:1) and 480 times 2 years before the birth of Jesus. 480 x 3=4 x 360. And 4 times 4 more years is 5760 years.
The number of years from creation 7 1/2 x 8 x 8 x 8= 3840
75 squared x 8 x 8 x 8 45000 , 360000 , 2880000….
But there are 3 dimensions that make up the holy place (24000 cubic cubits, the most holy place 8,000 cubic cubits, and the space above the most holy place 4000 cubic cubits.

Even the number of men who according 2 Chronicles 2:2, 17-18 were to work on the temple is significant : 150000 and 3600 a total of 153600.
As you will remember the 400 is a simple count while in fact it is 384
4000 x 3840 equals 15360000 ,the 88 billion years or 88473600000 to be correct divided by 153600 is 576000.

At any one point one 3rd was working on the temple 51200(32 squared),
which is also 80 x 80 x8 men working in 3 shifts.

When we breakdown 150000 into 70000 due to leap months 7 x 8 years
Now in 1 chronicles 27:1-15; Rev. 7:1-8 such as David’s fighting men 288000.
And for instance the tabernacle tent curtains that were made out of 1260 x 2 square cubits of material all show the same structure.

David began his reign at the age of 30 years, as did Jesus.
There are 30 days in a month, and a day is as a year. The 30 years of Jesus represents a leap month added at the end of every 6 year cycle of the 360 calendar. Abraham (think why there was a letter added to his name) was born 6 x 360 years before the birth of Jesus 2166 to 6BC thus the 30 years of Jesus’ life forms, as days, the leap month that is added at the end of every 6 years, the same counts for Exodus,1446BC , which is 4 x 360 years before the birth of Jesus. If you view the birth of Jesus as the end of a 40 year cycle rather than the beginning you will come to understand the 40 year cycle shown below:
At the end of 6 years of 360 plus 30 is 2160+30=2190
This 6 times on the seventh year it’s 4 years of 360=1440 plus one 30 day leap month =1470 days. In other words 6 x 2190 days plus 1470 days = 14610 days divided by 40 =365,25 days. (6 x 6 =36 years +4 years = 40 years).
The seventh cycle, a special one, is only 4 years long.

The Exodus according the Jewish traditional date is 1313BC (13+13=26)
From 1313BC to January 2000 is 3360 years of 360 days (33 x 3360=110880)
12096/3360=3,6 3360/12 is 280, 8 away from 288.
8 times 36=288 3360+288=3648. 365,25-364,8=0,45.
And 288 divided by 6=48(0) a last step.
3360 x 30=100800 plus 72000 is 1728. 72 is of course 3 x 24.
72 x30=216/12=18.
But 72 divided by 12 is 6(years of 12 months) and as you know 1728 to 1872 is 144. 3360+6 is 3366. 3366 +144=3510 mirror it 153(0). 480 or 4,8. 144/30=4,8.
Anyone who has knowledge can count that the time has come.


Moshiya van den Broek